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World Prematurity Day Donation to The Calgary Health Trust for the Neonatal Intensive Care Units $1565


Our Second Annual event was such a success, and I couldn't have made this happen without the very generous support from many amazing bloggers, private donors, local + small shops, around the world. Last year we created 240 baskets and delivered to all of the 5 NICU's in the city for World Prematurity Day.


2016 DONORS :


Blankaroo Baby - A Song For Sawyer - Just Moosey - My Optometrist Calgary - Salt Water Tea  - Modern Tipi - 

Little Blue Canoe - Little City Market - Vi & Jax - The Lucky Pinapple - Small Planet - Friday Sock Co - 

The Baby Niche - Mod Menage - Tiny Inspirations - Parker and Posie - Beauty Counter by Chelsea - Vi and Jax - Emma and April - Landi Lou - Mini Way Co. - Junction 9 - Brewsters - Blest Gemstone Jewllery - Kernels -

 Kasual Kiddos Handmade - Little Monkey Designs - Littles & Spice - Little Huddy Duds - Clover & Family - 

Mae Berry Accessories - Finn & Grinn Baby Boutique - Blankaroo - illo Leather - TK Clothing - 

Rodan+Fields by Marcy Dunphy - Rodan+Fields by Monica Hui - Cru Juice - Bloom Invites - 

Lace Brick Design - Gypsy Skulls -Petit Remy - Co Create - Wild Roots & Co - Rural Creative - Mally Designs - 

Helly Hansen Bankers Hall - Black Earth Floral - A Quiver Full - dot.Boxed - Dr For Moms - Simply Love - 

Naturoco - Our Tiny Corner - Tiny Button Apparel - Posh & Cozy - Showhome Furniture -

Bonnie + Gerald Tanasichuk - Cross My Heart Knits - Petit Remy - Katia Borbaneli - Sharlene Lailey - 

The OVer Company - Love My Life Boutique

Heima Photography
Heima Photography
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Heima Photography
Heima Photography
Heima Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Lindsay Skeans Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography
Jennica Christine Photography

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart"

- A.A. Milne

In Loving Memory of Ashe

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